The Bowerbird

During the process of building our brand, we searched for a symbol that could fully captivate the essence and DNA of our brand. In our search we stumbled on the Bowerbird, a very special and unique bird located in Australia and New Guinea. The Bowerbird is known for its unique process of building. In that process the bird creates a bower-like structure and decorates it with brightly coloured flowers, berries and other brightly coloured objects it can find.

Our mission & vision

When we first saw the Bowerbird, we were intrigued and impressed by its creativity and uniqueness. Bowart’s mission is to create unique and beautiful designs to take spaces to a higher level. We have passion for our products and designs and put the effort into every design and wallpaper we produce. Our mission is to take wallpaper to a new level by using 3D structure to make the experience and appearance transcend over any other wallpaper. We want to change the perception of wallpaper into something more advanced, classier and unique. We at Bowart think our vision can reach even more than just wallpapers and take more aspects of home decoration to the next level, with more class, creativity and quality.

curious about the possibilities of 3d wallpaper?